The long awaited physical collection by PeaceBox is about to begin. After three years of living under the epidemic lockdown, Hong Kong is finally getting back to normal in 2023. Your donation is a blessing that can encourage a person in need to keep going. This year we will have three channels to collect donations.
The first channel: Local online charity donation kit, you can go to: to order PeaceBox prepack supplies packages, which will be distributed to the underprivilleged and needy through the church and NGO network.
The second channel: Overseas online donation kit. This year, Peacebox will cooperate with World Vision to send Peaceboxes to the needy overseas, and the collection will start in mid-February 2023.
The third channel: Physical donation, you can donate goods at major collection points from March 1 to 24, 2023.
We are looking forward to hosting a major Peacebox stacking event again this year. Please stay in touch with us and keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest announcements.
2023 PeaceBox Campaign
For more information, please visit the official website:
You can also contact us directly at:
